I know SEO isn't sexy or exciting

But that also doesn't mean it has to be scary and confusing either.

I've spent years simplifying SEO so anyone can understand it, and anyone can do it...

I’ve spent the last eight years learning SEO and also learning how to explain it to business owners and stakeholders, as a part of my career both at an agency and in-house at one of the UK’s biggest brands.

Now, as a self-employed business owner, I’m putting all of my skills from my old life into action on my own website and helping other business owners demystify the world of SEO and realise that it’s not as scary as it seems. I’m a firm believer that anyone can do SEO - because if I can, with no qualifications and a lack of understanding of anything technical, anybody can.

That’s why I’ve started teaching SEO to other small business owners and self-employed people. With a bit of time, effort and trial and error, you can get the same results for your business that I’ve been getting other businesses during my 8-year SEO career.

That's me, circa 2009

I’m Jodie. An SEO-er turned self-employed wedding photographer

let's chat!

When I started my SEO career, I was 19 years old, working in a VERY male-dominated business that had a huge and extremely stereotypical sales team. (Think Wolf of Wall Street but the Lidl own brand)

As you can imagine, I was not particularly respected. After one particularly cringe-inducing incident of being sent out of an external meeting to go and make the teas (as the only woman in the room), I decided to become more loud and more annoying.

Women are so often overlooked in technical fields and SEO in my own personal experience can definitely be one of them. That's part of the reason I feel so damn strongly about making sure everyone can learn something other people deem as technical or a man's industry. And funnily enough, your body parts don't have much to do with it.

My target audience will always primarily be women. I want to teach as many women how to market their own websites without needing to pay Brian from Fiverr and empower them to take confidence action with SEO, and take up space in those meetings - let one of the boys make the tea instead.

I'm a firm believer anyone can do SEO